Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 30- The Summary

     Today is the last day of my 30 day juice fast. It has been a long, enlightening journey. The purpose of this blog has been to see what a full 30 day juice fast for weight loss is like for an average size person. I had read on the Internet that one lady similar in size and age to me lost 25 lbs. in 30 days. I have not lost that much, but I'm completely satisfied with the 15 lbs. I have lost. Who loses that much in a month?!!!
     To sum up my findings...I conclude that a two week juice fast for the average person is a great way to slim down fast for an event or just for one's health. However, beyond two weeks a complete juice fast is unecessary. I lost almost all of my weight in the first two weeks. After that, the rate I lost slowed down drastically. You can probably lose the same amount or more than I was losing toward the end of the fast, by adding back solid, healthy food and picking up an exercise routine.
     Tomorrow I will post final weigh loss pics. Unlike numerous other juice fast blogs I have read, this one will include follow-up posts. This blog has provided me with complete accountability. Knowing that I must take pictures of the scale kept me focused on my goal. Under my weigh-ins tab to the right, you can see the pictures of the scale as the number drops. That is a unique feature, as many blogs I read were just a summary of the person's fast. I have also kept an honest, detailed journal.
     This juice fast has really been easy overall. As long as you drink the 100% natural juice, you have no cravings. It's when you grab a pinch of chicken here and a corn chip there, that you develop cravings. I am proud to say that I never had a slippery slope moment where I just said "Forget it!" As the weigh loss slowed, it was more logical to switch to another diet/exercise plan, but after one day of uncertainty, I was back at it to finish the experiment.
     For the first three weeks straight I had absolutely no food, and then only pinches here and there. I found that when I did eat after that long period without food, my body quickly dealt with what I took in. Indeed, it is important to add solid food back into your diet slowly to avoid painful stomach cramps and trips to the bathroom.
     This juice fast has changed my perspective on food and nutrition so much. After feeling so good and refreshed, I don't want to feel like a slug like before. I feel so efficient and free. I no longer feel the draw to all of those fast food restaurants. In fact, this experience has really opened my eyes to the fact that you don't see very many fit people enter those places. In contrast, when you drop in a Whole Foods store, you don't see very many unfit people frequenting there. I want to be a part of that subculture of health nuts. I want to put all the money that I used to spend on fast food into making a better nutritional life for my four kids. I want them to learn a better lifestyle for the right reasons. I still have a few pounds left before I reach my goal, but the potassium and vitamin D deficiencies I had should now be resolved from the numerous veggies I have consumed over this past month. I feel great.