Thursday, October 25, 2012

Keeping it off one month later!

     As always, check out all of my before and after pics under the links to the right!
     It has been a month since my 30 day juice fast ended and I am doing great. The scale did go up 5 pounds or so as my body adjusted to having solid food in it again. That was weight gain not actual fat gain. The weight of the food itself in my intestines made the scale rise.
     Now I have actually lost about 5 more pounds with healthy eating habits and some exercise. The juice fast truly taught me to focus on the nutritional value of foods. For example, when I eat a salad, I now eat nutrient rich spinach, instead of worthless lettuce.
     I work out nearly every day now to stay focused on my health. I feel great!
I take pictures of the scale with every weigh-in!