This is my "before" photo. I spent 3 weeks drinking only nutrient-rich fresh juice to lose weight, then drank mostly juice up to Day 30. How much did I lose? Explore below, and my links to the right, for before and after weight loss photos, as well as daily journal entries telling exactly how I did it! I had dramatic results!
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Too much kale and hyperkalemia
Recent reading has led me to the information that drinking only green juice, rich in kale juice, could lead to a life threatening condition called hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia is a state of potassium toxicity that can lead to cardiac arrythmia or even sudden death in some individuals. This can be avoided by drinking a variety of juices, or by alternating kale in and out of your large green juice batches with smaller amounts (maybe a couple of handfuls) per batch.