Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 19- What's next after juicing?

Check out all of my Day 14 photos! I have had amazing results on my 30 day juice fast, but it's time to plan for Day 30. As my weight loss begins to slow down, I realize that my body is adjusting to the juicing and I need to start thinking about how I will transition into a healthy eating plan. There are just so many options, it's intimidating. Since diet and exercise must go hand-in-hand to fuel and shape the body, I guess I need to decide what type of foods I can live with first. Diet has always been my biggest challenge.  The reason juicing has been so enjoyable is it takes away that battle with food and self control. You can basically have all the juice you want, so self-control is never an issue. I am a bit nervous about the transition honestly. I am excited about joining the gym, but must come up with a healthy eating plan I can stick to.