Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 21- Return to the fast! Got to finish the experiment!

     I have had awesome results! Check out all of my pics and weigh-in logs to the right!
After one day of eating food again, I realize that there is nothing interesting to blog about. After all, this is a juice FAST blog. All I can say about the last day or so is, after not eating solid food foor three weeks, you sure do get full fast!
     Yes, I decided to eat because the weight loss had slowed down to less than what a normal diet and exercise would help me lose; but now I really just want to finish the fast for the sake of the experiment. That is what this has been about all along anyway. My focus just got sidetracked.
     I guess I can't expect to lose the same as a 300 pound person, but I should finish it properly. I set out on this adventure to see exactly what a full 30 days would be like for a person my size, and I need to keep that focus. If the weight fizzles, so be it. That is what I am attempting to find out for my readers. With that said, I will finish out my last 8 days drinking ONLY the fresh green juice. Stay tuned! I will try and add more general juicing information and recipes as well.